viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

My last assigment

        Hello!, today I'm writing my last assigment at this English class, and this is the last time that I'm going to write a "new post" in it too. It's a very good feeling knowing that we are finishing this second term of the year, but it is sad too because sometimes this means a goodbye and a farewell.

        I like a lot this subject this semester, because it was very fun to make the blog all the weeks and see my classmates in this moment of the day . It's very different when we have to take English in another Faculty  due to we have deadline timetable with other classes and subjects ( this was my case at the first term of 2012, when I took English in FAU)  , because we are with people that we don't know, so, it was very nice to me to take this subject with my friend Marjorie and with the people from Faculty. Besides, the teacher was very nice with us, very understanding with our lack of knowledge of English, our grammatical mistakes, etc. About the use of blog, it's an activity that I like it very much, because it's a good way to practice English, writing and reading. Furthermore, it's a fun activy to write about our experiencies. 
        In adition to this, I think that I have to improve my English a lot, because I have problems with my accent (my spoken English) and with the lack of necessary vocabulary. I'm good at reading English papers and text, and to get along with the meaning of it. I think that, for me, this is a good technique to improve my English, because it enriched my vocabulary, so, I will try to maintain this activity ( and I have to, because at some subjects, I have the obligation of doing this because a lot of papers about some topics are in English). 
        On these days, I'm using my English a lot, because like I said, I'm in the obligation to read a lot of papers in English. I got a thousand of papers in English this year about different topics of psychology, so, I use a lot of my poor skills of English in it.

 I'm going to miss my blogs every Friday. See you at Faculty!!!! Good luck with your final exams!

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

My future job

Hello! Today I will talk about my future Job.

At University, during this year and the second semester of 2012, I'm tried to take all the subjects that are related to childhood and adolescence psychology, because this is the area of psychology that I will choose like my major or specialization. I like this topic because I think that is a beautiful matter, childhood are the base of society, so It's a very important thing,  we have to take part in it. I would like to have a job that has outstanding part in the therapeutic intervention with childhood. Specifically, I would like to job with child sexual abuse, in the intervention and treatment of this painfull experience. It's a relevant area of study, and the public systems needs a lot of  experts in this topic. When I will have to choose my job in a close future, I think that the work climate, it will be an importat thing to consider, because the human relations are very important to me, so, it's important a good laboral atmosphere to make the job more pleasant, kind and efficient. If in a future, I were asked in a job interview about my strengths and weakness, I would say that my weaknesses are related to sometimes lack of initiative ( sometimes, only when I don't know well the kind of job that I have to do) and that I'm very good to claim when something doesn't seem good for me ( like unfair situations). Like strengths, I would mention that I'm very devoted (When I love something) and that I have good interpersonal relations. 

That's all! See you the next week! Take care!

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012


Hello! This is an old entry, but I will do it anyway. So, I will talk about the evil money.
The money, unfortunately, is useful in our lifes, but, at the same time, I think that the money sometimes make that the persons turn bad. The money is the reason why some group of people want to have all the economic and invest power, and let the other big group of people, in poverty and sadness (so, in this case, the money is a bad thing). I need the money to be able to survive. If the money doesn't be so important in our times and society, maybe we would had another way of make our lifes withouy this thing.
I usually spend my money in the necessary things to survive like food, health, rent, and thing related with the university like photocopies. I spend some money on clothes and go to movies (one of my favorite activities ) , but I'm not a spendthrift person ( I think). However, I have some problems sometimes to can be able to managing my budget, because I have to pay attention to a lot of expenses like taxes, for example. If I were millionaire, I woul invest my money in a lot of travels. If I had to pawn some of my belongings, I don't know what I would pawn, because I don't have important economic things.
That's all, see you the next blog!! 

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Election day

      Hello! Today I will write about elections, politicians and vote. I think that vote is an important thing as a citizen of a country, because we exert our rights like persons of a nation, and we can make the difference through voting, making the change. I registered to vote, since I was 18 years old ( I register to vote one week after I turned 18 years old). I registered because It's a very important thing for a country, that their citizens have the right to vote, because we have to get involved in the political and social situation of our country. On the other hand, I think that electoral campaings are digusting, because the politicians make a lot of promises that they will not perform and carry out. They promise things like high quality health, good education, good social politics, etc.  In adition to this, they fill the streets with political advertising, spending a lot of money in this election propanga that pollute and contamine the city, and that don't have an important message, because they show their faces, but no their political programs. I think that the quality that a person who wants to run for a public positions should have is, first of all, the honesty and sincerity. This person, has to be close to the people of their city and community, being always in touch with their citizens. I never considered becoming a politician, because I don't like it and I think that it is a stressfull job too, full of bad moments. Like a constructive criticism to the electoral caimpaings in my district, I will say to the candidates that they have to be honest with the people, because the people put their trust in the politicians to direct their lives, in a certain way, so they have a very important work.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

About educational psychologists at "The Guardian"

        The article that I selected is related to my area of studies and future career: Childhood and adolescence Psychology. This article from "The Guardian", is about the work of educational psychologists and the funds reduction, from the UK Minister for children , for the training of new professionals in this area of Psychology. According to this article , an educational psychologist is an expert on child development, and with the topics related to this specialization such as cognitive, emocional and social development, and the most important thing : their work with children that has special educational needs, and children with autism, cerebral palsy, depression, mental deficiency, etc. The problem in UK, is that almost a quarter of children population has special needs, and there is a deficit of professionals from this area. Besides, and this is the most important thing of this articicle, is that the government wants to reduce the national budget to prepare professionals in educational psychology. A few of psychology organizations, think that the government doesn't understand the important role that has a psychologist at this area, and maybe this is one of the possible reasons that can be related with this reduction of the national funds. The same thing happens in Chile educational systems and public politics, where the role that plays a educational psychologist is not recognized in an important place. It`s sad, but I hope that this situation changes with time .

This is an interesting topic. See you the next week =)


viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

My best Friend in the world

        Hi! Today I will talk about my best friend. I think that friendship is a very important thing in the life of a person, because this is what makes us happy and knowing that we can trust in someone is a beautiful feeling. I think that I have a couple of good friends, but my best friends are my boyfriend Christian and my friend Paloma, however I will talk about my dear Paloma. I met her when I was 5 years old ( she is 2 years older than me), at her birthday party, because her aunt is my uncle's wife, and my uncle took me to this birthday party and met her, so sometimes we tell that we are cousins hahaha. We have been friends during 18 year ... It's a very long time!!. She is my best friend because we have a lot of subjects in common, we laugh a lot when we are together and we can talk about important things too. She is studying veterinary medicine.  The best memomy that I have with my friend is when we camped ( thing that we used to do every summer ) when we were about 10 years old, it  was very fun, because we laughed a lot hahaha ( we always do the same thing haha) . I really love my best friend Paloma. 
See you the next post!! Greetings!

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

My best Holidays

     Hi! this friday I will talk about my best holidays. I have very good memories about my holidays, specially when I was a little girl. I used to go on vacations with all my cousins to camp with my aunt Rosita and uncle Manuel to the "mountains" and It was very fun, because it was always an adventure for us, like If we were explorers in the jungle hahaha. We spend there almost a week, and we stay in tents, It was very nice wake up at mornings with the pleasant wind of the place. I think that my best holidays were this summer, because I went to "La rufina" , a place in the middle of the mountains, near to San Fernando and It's a beautiful place, I really love it. I were there with my best friend Paloma, my friend Ignacio and my cousin Patricio, and we stayed in a cabin for five days. In this place, we spend the nights around a bonfire talking about our lifes and laughing, and at day, we went for long walks near the river. This holidays were very fun because I was happy with my friends, in a beautiful place close to the nature.  

This is for now, see you all the next week =)
This is " La Rufina"